Monday, July 9, 2012

Fresh Lemonade

I would like to tell you a story... It begins here...
1. We are running a half marathon in August. 
2. I have been terrible at training... (I'm not sure if anyone has ever told you this.. but taking care of a baby takes up a LOT of time. I know crazy!) 
3. I decided as much as I was dreading it I better get my bum out of the house and go run.
4. I ran (slow), and Ty ran with baby girl (fast) so we decided to meet up at this cafe by the trail we were running after.
5. Run complete and I was THIRSTY.

Okay so now you are all caught up. So I go into the above said cafe to get a much needed drink. I grab a chocolate milk for Tyson and order a delicious-ice-cold-fresh-squeezed lemonade for me. The girl rings me up and I hand her my debit card which is when she proceeds to tell me "...uh there is a $10 charge minimum to use a card...." Well there went my dream because 1. I had absolutely NO cash and 2. because I sure wasn't getting something extra. 

 I got back to the car and grumpily explained the situation to Ty and being the sweet husband he is he tells me we can go home and get ready and then go get some lemonade. But being the stubborn girl I am I insisted that they lost their chance and I was just going to make my OWN delicious-ice-cold-fresh-squeezed-lemonade... and I did!

Fresh Lemonade
Source: allrecipes

1 1/2 c. white sugar
1 1/2 c. fresh lemon juice with pulp (about 8 large lemons)
8 c. water

Directions: In a small saucepan bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Set it aside and allow to come down to room temperature.

Juice about 7-8 large lemons, discarding seeds but keeping the pulp. In a pitcher combine sugar-water, lemon juice and remaining 7 cups of cold water.

**Want to make it pink lemonade??? Just add a splash of cranberry juice.