Making: our home more organized.
Cooking: tonight's dinner and feeling all sorts of productive.
Reading: The One World Schoolhouse written by Salman Kahn.
Wanting: to simplify.
Looking: at my girls building a fort and giggling together.
Playing: home. "Mom do you want to play home? (Insert big brown puppy-dog eyes.) I'm the daddy and you are the sweetie!"
Wishing: summer would slow down.
Enjoying: fresh summer fruit. Currently addicted to juicy watermelon.
Waiting: for the day the girls can learn to work out their own disagreements. Referee over here!
Marveling: that we have already lived here 7 months!
Needing: groceries on the double! Our milk is looking a little lonely this morning.
Smelling: thick summer air.
Wearing: a baby on my lap.
Following: the spilled oat trail left by two little girls. They love raw oats. So weird!
Noticing: how quickly new babies change.
Thinking: we should really get dressed for the day. Its practically noon.
Bookmarking: wallpaper inspo.
Feeling: hopeful.
At This Moment 1 // 2