Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Vday Weekend 2015

The weekend started off with a super spontaneous hour long drive that included four car seats and four adults snuggled in a van and off to devour some bottomless fries at Red Robin and some much needed Target therapy.

Saturday we made our traditional raspberry rolls and I ate more than my fair share.

We ended up pawning them off on neighbors to get them out of the house... desperate times my friends, desperate times. Click HERE for the recipe.

Then the girls (particularly one) proceeded to exceed her grumpy quota for the day and screamed to her heart's content.

Non stop tantrums (thankfully not pictured) were followed by heart shaped pizzas and a vow that Tyson and I would have a Vday do over on Monday.

So we ended up with two Valentine's celebrations packed into one weekend (thanks to my favorite 3 year old grumpa-lumpa.) I vote Valentine's day falls on a long weekend every year. Who's with me??

Shared HERE.