Monday, January 12, 2015

Christmas in Connecticut

For winter break this year we headed out to Connecticut to spend the holidays with Tyson's family. This year we revised our Christmas celebration a little so we could enjoy the holiday with my sister-in-law, Kassi, who was returning home from her church mission in Spain December 30th. So December 24th and 25th were our Christmas 1 and the day she got home was the start of Christmas 2 where we did our yearly Christmas Eve traditions and then celebrated Christmas on New Year's Eve the following day.

One of Nana's favorite thing to do with the big girls is to take them to get their nails done. So one of our first big outings with the cousins was to the nail salon. 

For Christmas Eve 1 a few families came over for dinner, a fun gift exchange, and a nativity reenactment from the little ones. Little sis wasn't too interested but big sis was dead set on being Mary... with baby Jesus in her belly. She walked around the whole night pushing her tummy out and her hands placed lovingly over her "baby." 

Here was one of the other Marys; I think we had 3 or 4 going through rotation. This girl and her "sad face" kill me.

We also discovered a couple super fun children's museums over the break. 

Then came time for Kassi's homecoming. We all headed over to JFK to pick her up and give her a warm welcome home!

I love this girl so much. I am so lucky to have amazing in-laws and Kassi is no exception.

After we got home and Kassi settled Christmas Eve 2 began.

And we somewhat forced Vanessa to make her famous chocolate chip cookies for Santa... that lucky Santa!

The next morning the living room was full of wrapping paper and little girls dressed up like princesses. Christmas is even more magical with babies.

So grateful for the opportunity each year to remember our Savior and celebrate his miraculous birth.

"And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:9-11