Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sick Baby, Tired Mommy

Sometimes I feel like I have a glimpse of what it will be like once I finally feel like I'm no longer treading water. Two babies. The good days are so fun, and joyful, and messy -- in the best ways. But the hard days? They are rough. This week has been chocked full of the latter.

Our favorite big sister has had a rough go with an ear infection and with it has come tantrums like you wouldn't believe. Today is the second day she has screamed until she fell asleep. I can honestly say for the first time I am at a complete loss. It seems like I'm trying every behavior management tactic in the book and.... no luck.

I feel like I'm entering this new stage of parenting. Up until now with these babies my focus has been making sure they are safe, fed, happy, healthy, and loved. But as this little girl grows I'm quickly learning there is so much more that the Lord needs me to focus on as her mama... and honestly, I'm not quite sure what I'm doing. Parenthood is such a daunting task at times, especially in the midst of weeks with sick toddlers.