Tuesday, November 11, 2014

For Your First Birthday

Dearest Sissy,

On your birthday I kept thinking back on the day we first met. It was a whirlwind of faces and excitement as family buzzed through the recovery room, wanting to see your squishy little cheeks before we headed to bed after a long, emotional day. Finally, it was late that evening and we were alone for the first time in that dimly lit recovery room. I wish I could relive that sweet moment, drink in your newborn smell, look into those dark round eyes and feel again of your spirit fresh from heaven.

Now a year later, I cannot remember life before that moment. You have brought so much joy and so much light into our family.

Today as I chatted with a close friend about life, and motherhood, and the world we live in, I was reminded of my insecurities as a young girl and how there was a day that all of that changed for me. It was the day I realized in my heart that I am truly a daughter of God and that I have a Savior who loves me.

Sweet girl if there is one thing I hope to teach you, it is that you have a Savior and a Heavenly Father who love you more than you know. Your worth will never be determined by others because Father in heaven has already determined your worth, and it is infinite.

I love you my sweet baby. I am forever grateful that I am yours and you are mine. Happy first birthday my love. XOX
